主页 >> 智慧珠玑
1 留意你的言辞、行为、思想、品格、内心。
WATCH your Words, Action, Thought, Character, Heart.
2 好人说好话。
A language is as sweet as the tongues of the speakers.
3 学习说出你的感受,并将你所说的付诸行动。
Learn to speak what you feel, and act what you speak.
4 温柔的话语是真爱的表现。
Soft sweet speech is the expression of genuine love.
5 沉默是修行者的语言。
Silence is the speech of the spiritual seeker.
6 在谧静中感受神的存在。
God's presence is felt in Silence.
7 良好行为是我们真正的财富。
Our good conduct is our true wealth.
8 别批判他人,因为在批判他人时,你也同时被谴责。
No one can judge another, for, when another is judged you are yourself condemned.
9 不要用言语中伤他人,因为恶语比刀箭更伤人。
Do not use poisonous words against anyone, for, words wound more fatally than even arrows.
10 神在你之内,神在你每一句话、每一个行为,及每一个想法里。所以,你的言语、行为,和思想要与神相符。
God is in you, God is in every word of yours, every deed and thought. Speak, do and think as befits Him.
11 没有语言的心比缺乏同情心的语言更高贵。
A heart without words is far more precious than words without a heart.
12 要说实话,但要用得体的方式。勿说令人不愉快的实话。
Speak truth, speak in a palatable way and do not utter truth that is unpleasant.
13 非暴力是指一个人不应该在思想、言语或行为上伤害他人。
Non-violence means that one should not cause harm to anyone in Thought, Word or Deed.
14 律己宜严,待人宜宽。
Close your eyes to the faults of others, but keep them open to discover your own.
15 您不可能总是答应他人的请求,但是您能谦和地回话。
You cannot always oblige, but you can always speak obligingly.
16 温和地说话,能够培育爱,因为很多误会和分歧源自于胡言乱语。
Practice moderation in speech. It will develop love, for most misunderstandings and factions arise out of carelessly spoken words.
17 保持静默,以防口舌乖离真理。
Practice silence as a means of preventing the tongue from straying away from truth.
18 多说话者少做事,多做事者少说话。
The one who talks much will do little. The one who acts will talk little
19 唯有在静默的深处你才能听到神的声音。
The voice of God is heard only in the depth of silence
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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