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1 言语的应用具有无限的力量。言语不费一分钱,却是无价之宝,因此要格外小心应用。不要用言语来说三道四,应该只为纯粹和有益的目的服务。
The use of words is charged with tremendous power. Words do not cost anything, but they are priceless. So they have to be used with care. They must be employed not for gossip, but for pure and productive purposes only.
2 温和地说话,能够培育爱,因为很多误会和分歧源自于胡言乱语。
Practice moderation in speech. It will develop love, for most misunderstandings and factions arise out of carelessly spoken words.
3 保持静默,以防口舌乖离真理。
Practice silence as a means of preventing the tongue from straying away from truth.
4 尽量说令人轻松愉快的真话。切勿为了取悦他人或获得赞许而说话。假如说真话会带来伤害或痛苦,就保持沉默吧。
Speak the truth and speak pleasantly. Do not make a statement merely to please or win approval. If speaking truth will cause grief or pain, keep silent.
5 多说话者少做事,多做事者少说话。
The one who talks much will do little. The one who acts will talk little.
6 检讨你的每一个行动,以确保执行时发出最轻的声音。以最少的言语去完成一切任务。
Examine each act of yours and see that you execute it with minimum noise. Transact all dealings with minimum speech.
7 为何说沉默是金?沉默的人不会树敌,虽然他也没什么朋友。他有闲暇和机会活在自己的内心世界,检讨自己而非他人的错误和缺点。
Why is silence golden? The silent man has no enemies, though he may not have friends. He has leisure and chance to live within himself and examine his own faults and failings. He has no more inclination to seek them in others.
8 人最大的损失是不去倾听自己内心的声音。他们害怕孤单,认为静默是令人厌恶的。然而唯有独处,让静默包围着,你才能发掘真实的自我。
People lose a thing of great value if they fail to listen to their inner voice. They are afraid of being alone. They avoid silence as something detestable! But you can discover your own truth only when you are alone with yourself and there is silence all around you.
9 紧闭双眼,你会听到从内心发出的声音。神宣称:“噢,信徒们!你是用肉眼去观看,用耳朵去聆听。在绝对的静默中,你才可以听到神的脚步声。”
Close your eyes tightly, you will hear the sound ‘Om’ from within. God proclaims, “ O devotees! You see with physical eyes and listen with physical ears. Be in utter silence, you can listen to the footsteps of God”.
10 唯有在静默的深处你才能听到神的声音。
The voice of God is heard only in the depth of silence.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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