主页 >> 智慧珠玑
1 克制思维, 就能成为主导者。
Master the mind, be a mastermind.
2 健全的思想确保健康的身体,反之亦然。
A sound mind ensures a sound body; A sound body ensures a sound mind.
3 心念只不过是一团欲望。。。把执着的线一条条解开,最后“布”会消失,纯净的心念再度显现。
The mind is a bundle of desires... remove the threads of attachment one by one; at the end the "cloth" disappears and the mind is clear and pure.
4 一个充满水的杯怎么能再渗入牛奶? 一定要把水先倒掉。如果心胸充满邪念,就不能容纳美德。
How can a cup full of water take on milk? The water has to be poured out. When the cup of the heart is full of evil, no virtue can be stored therein.
5 人身是非永久的,就象一个水气泡,而人的思维却象一只疯狂的猴子。两者都不要跟随。遵循你的良知。
The body is impermanent. It is like a water bubble. The mind is a mad monkey. Don’t follow either. Follow your conscience.
6 我们的心就象一部摄影机。我们所注目的物体将烙印在心中。因此,对所见的一切,我们必须尽量领悟好的方面。
The heart is like a camera lens. The object on which we concentrate our attention gets imprinted on the mind. Hence, we should make an attempt to perceive the good in whatever we see.
7 消灭欲望的人战胜死亡。降服心念的人征服宇宙。
He who destroys desires can conquer death. He who controls mind can conquer universe.
8 ‘趁早动身,小心驾驶,平安抵达’这个标语,也适用在‘从虚幻到真实,从黑暗到光明,从死亡到永生’的人生道路上。
The slogan ‘start early, drive slowly, arrive safely’applies also to the life journey ‘from Untruth to Truth, from Darkness to Light, from Death to Immortality’.
9 我不是来替任何宗派、教条或宗教召募信众。我的到来是要点燃仁爱的心灯。
I have not come to collect disciples for any particular sect, creed or religion. I have come to light the lamp of love in the hearts of humanity.
10 唯有持续不断的努力才能驯服心灵
Steady perseverance alone tames the mind
11 静默是戒律中最基本的课程.
Silence is the primer of spiritual discipline.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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