主页 >> 智慧珠玑
1 你有多靠近神,神就有多靠近你。
As close as you are to God, so close is God to you.
2 神不但靠近你,更无异于你。
God is neither distant, nor distinct from you.
3 神给予的永远不会枯竭,人给予的永远不会长久。
What God gives is never exhausted. What man gives never lasts.
4 神是那执行者,你只不过是工具而已。
God is the doer; you are but the instrument.
5 你是三个人:一个是你认识的自己–‘身体’,一个是别人认识的你–– ‘思维’, 一个是你的真实本性–‘神’。
You are three people: The one you think you are - body. The one others think you are - mind. The one you really are - divine.
6 虔诚不是偶尔才穿的制服。
Devotion is not a uniform to be worn on certain days and then to be put aside.
7 神赐予你时间、空间、因缘、资源、构思、技能、机会,和运气。你为何还觉得自己就是那执行的人呢?
God gave you the time, space, cause, material, idea, skill, chance, and fortune. Why should you feel as if you are the doer?
8 行善、向善、存善,皆是通往神之道。
Do good. See good. Be good. This is the way to God.
9 当你向神踏出一步,神就会向你跨出十步。
When you take one step towards God; God takes ten towards you.
10 成功人生的两项必备的条件: 坚定不移的信仰和纯真的爱。
For achieving anything in life, two things are essential: firm faith and pure love.
11 正如你仅能以月光来看见月亮,上帝,因为他是爱的化身,只有通过爱才能体验得到。
Just as you can see the moon only with the light of the moon, God, who is the Embodiment of Love, can be reached through Love.
12 有了信心,就有爱心;有了爱心,就有和平;
Where there is Faith, there is Love; Where there is Love, there is Peace;
Where there is Peace, there is Truth; Where there is Truth, there is Bliss;
Where there is Bliss, there is God.
13 责任是神, 工作是膜拜。
Duty Is God, Work Is Worship.
14 神是真、善、美。
God is Truth, Goodness and Beauty.
15 神是甜蜜,而你是糖。神是火,而你是燃料。
God is sweetness , you are sugar. God is fire, you are fuel.
God has no heart, every heart where He is installed is His.
16 世上只有一个神,祂是无所不在的。
There is only one God, He is Omnipresent
17 把一切降服予神的人,神是他唯一的护佑。
The Lord is the sole refuge for those who surrender to Him
18 神是真理,神是爱。
Truth is God; Love is God
19 我与你同在,在你之内,前后上下,监督护佑着你,就像眼皮保护着眼睛一样。
I am with you, in you, behind you, above you, guarding and protecting you as the eyelid protects the eye.
20 当你念想我时,我就会护佑你
When you look to me, I look to you.
21 对于所有皈依我的人,我是唯一的归宿。
I am the sole refuge for all who have surrendered to Me
22 神的名号最可靠,能帮你渡过生死的大海。
The Name of the Lord is the surest raft to cross the sea of birth and death.
23 神更在意的是你内心的感觉, 并非你的外在展现。
The Lord cares for your inner feelings than your outer expressions.
24 那些无形的是一切有形的基础。 要学习到处看到神运作的双手。
The unseen is the basis of all that is seen. Practice to see the hand of God everywhere
25 神留意行为背后的心思
God cares for the feeling behind the act.
26 God sees your devotion and not power.

God cares for your quality and not your caste.

God looks at your heart and not at your wealth.
27 我吸引你前来, 以便改造,塑造你。
I draw you to me and then reform and reshape you.
28 我把你想得到的赐给你,以便有朝一日你会要我所要给你的。
I give you what you want so that you may want what I want to give you.
29 我的到来并非要干扰或消除任何信仰, 而是要肯定每一个人原有的信仰。
I have come not to disturb or destroy any faith, but to confirm each in his own faith.
30 水向低流. 神恩也如此. 它流向谦卑的心.
Water flows from a higher level to the lower levels. God’s grace too is like that. It flows down to those who are bent with humility.
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