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1 父母给予你这个身体,养育成人,教导成才。所以,要感恩他们。
Your parents gave you this body and fostered the intelligence and life that are embedded in it; so, gratitude is their due.
2 这大地上人人都要承担四个责任:尊崇母亲,恭敬父亲,服从导师和礼拜上苍。
Every child of this land has four debts to discharge – reverence to the mother, respect for the father, obedience to the teacher and adoration to God.
3 优秀子女是一位恭敬服侍父母,礼敬导师,谦逊敬仰长者,并且为社会奉献服务而享盛名者。
A good son is one who reveres and serves his parents, who honours his preceptor, who is humble and respectful towards elders, and who earns a good name by his service to society.
4 让孩子们,甚至成年的男女,每天晨早开工前,膜拜父母的双足;使家中充溢着恭敬虔诚的气氛。
Let children, even the grown up girls and boys, touch the feet of the father and the mother, every morning before the daily tasks are started; it will generate reverential atmosphere in the home.
5 不要让父母伤心垂泪。尊敬和服从他们。不要责怪他们老土。家有一老,如有一宝。
Do not do anything to bring tears to the eyes of your parents.Honour them and obey them.?Do not condemn them as old-fashioned. Old is gold.
6 如果你为父母带来欢悦,将来自己年老时,你的孩子们将是你的快乐源泉。
If you bring joy to your parents, your children will be a source of joy in your declining years.
7 如果你尊崇母亲,宇宙之母会保护你免受灾害。如果你尊崇父亲,天地之父就会守护你。其实,这道理与尊崇自己的双亲者,其行为必受其子孙仿效的道理一样的真实。
If you honour your mother, the Mother of the Universe will guard you against harm. If you honour your father, the Father of all things will guard you. This is as true as the fact that if you honour your parents, your children will honour you.
8 铭记在心:你的父母是你应该最先视为神的人。
Remember that your mother and father are the first people whom you should regard as God.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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