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439 为什么我们要抵达主?实现这一目标时,有什么好处?
Aug 11, 2012: Why should we attain the Lord and what happens if one achieves that goal? Bhagawan explains by drawing out from the Geetha the description of one who has reached that state.

In the Geetha when Arjuna posed the question, “What exactly is the benefit of attaining You?” Krishna smiled and replied, "Arjuna! What greater benefit is there than attaining union with God? This holy victory makes one a Mahatma. While a normal person is established in body consciousness, and is tossed about every day by joy and grief, the Mahatmas are free from all dual experiences and are ever joyful. They are above and beyond. They are pure in heart and have no further birth and death. They have released themselves from identity with the particularised; they become the Universal, Eternal, Changeless. They are neither dull nor driven about by desire. They are unaffected by attachment or hate.”
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 17
在《薄伽梵歌》里头,阿周那问克里希那:“抵达您究竟有何好处?”克里希那笑了,回答说:“阿周那,还有什么比与神合一更有好处? 此神圣胜利,使人成为‘圣雄’。凡人执身为‘我’,每天被喜与悲的波浪抛来抛去。圣雄则不为任何二元经验所动,永远快乐,他们在上层境界,清净纯洁,不再轮回。他们不再视自己为一个个体,他们成了永恒不变的法身。他们既不惰钝,也不为欲望所驱使,他们不为执着迷恋或憎恨所困。
Pursue nobler ends and have grander ideals; sensory pleasures are trinkets, trivialities.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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