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436 要与主合一,我们需要做什么?
Aug 8, 2012: What is it we need to do, to attain Union with the Almighty? This is the important question Bhagawan answers for us today.

The Lord said to Arjuna, "I do not ask for Yoga or Thapas. I only ask, that your mind be fixed on Me. Devote your mind to Me, dedicate it to Me, that is all I ask for. If a Sadhaka cannot do at least this act of dedication to the Lord, I wonder what his sadhana is capable of? If you plead that you have not the strength of mind I ask where the strength comes from to dedicate yourself as you do now to hollow ideals, the vain fantasies of family, fortune and fame. Can you not direct this strength for that supreme dedication? Man easily offers his all to poisonous objective pleasures. But squirms and protests as if a mountain is tumbling on him when the call is made to dedicate his thoughts, feelings and acts to the Almighty! Salvation in his eyes is as cheap and as easy to attain, as greens in the vegetable market! He seeks to escape from bondage as easily as that. He does not yearn much, but he desires to earn much in the spiritual field! He is sunk more in Thamas than in Thapas. But he wishes for the fruits that Thapas alone can offer.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 17
主克里希那对阿周那说:“我不要求你修瑜伽或苦行,我只要你系心于我,将你的心念奉献给我,我就只要求那样。如果一个修行人连这个最起码的奉献都做不到,那我不知道他还能修出什么名堂。如果你辩称自己的心念力量不够,做不到这一点,那我问你,像你现在献身于那些空洞的理想,那些家庭、财富、名望之类的空虚妄想,那种力量是从哪里来的? 你就不能引导这股力量,让它转向那种至高的奉献吗? 人轻易的为了那些有毒的‘东西带来的快乐(因为拥有它)’而献出自己的一切,可是要他奉献自己的思绪、感受、行动给全能的上帝,他就局促不安和抗议,好像一座山要压到身上一样。解脱,在他眼里就像菜市场里的青菜一样便宜,一样容易得到! 他寻求像那样简单的解脱方法,他道心不怎么强,却想在修道方面大有收获! 他对Thamas (闇、惰)比对Thapas(苦修)更沉迷,却奢望那种只有靠Thapas才能修得的正果。”
Think God. Love God. Realise that there is no truer friend than God. Merge your love in His love.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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