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350 所有的学习和知识的目的是什么?
Apr 29, 2012: What is the purpose of all learning and knowledge? Our Loving God reminds us today.

You need not learn all the shlokas (verses) and the commentaries of the scriptures by heart or engage in contest with other scholars and exhibit your scholarship. It is enough even if you put one verse that suits your spiritual stage and appeals to you the most, into practice. The first step will itself take you nearer to the second step and the second will make the third step easier, and so on until the end. Of what avail is medicine, if it is poured into the ear? It has to be taken in, so that it might act and strengthen the blood stream and restore health. Similarly, there is no use in listening to spiritual discourses for hours. Take the lesson in. Take it to heart and put it into practice. Apply it in daily life. Realize the Divinity in you, that is the lesson.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 2, 1965
你无需熟读《薄伽梵歌》裡面的每一章节和其注解,无需和其他学者比赛,展现你的学识,纵使你只将其中一节 ── 适合你的灵性程度,并且最合你口胃的一节 ── 付诸实践,那就够了。第一步会带你更接近第二步,第二步会让第三步更容易些,依此类推,直到最后。要把《薄伽梵歌》带入心中。将药倒入耳朵有什麼用?得将它吃下,才能起作用,强化血液,恢复健康。听好几小时的《薄伽梵歌》开示也一样没什麼用,要将听来的带入心中,付诸实践,应用在日常生活。了悟你的内在神性,那就是《薄伽梵歌》给你上的一课。
Soft sweet speech is the expression of genuine love.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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