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331 今天,没有人想要困难,每个人只渴望快乐。但如何获得快乐?
Apr 10, 2012: Today, nobody wants difficulties and everybody desires only happiness. But how do we obtain this happiness? Bhagawan answers this question for us today.

Everybody aspires for happiness. Where is happiness? Without working hard, you cannot get happiness. During ancient times, people would offer their salutations to action (karma) before undertaking it; they chanted thasmai namah karmane (salutations to action). In India, some people follow this sacred tradition even today. A dancer salutes the anklets before tying them to the feet. Even an uneducated driver offers his obeisance to the steering wheel before driving the vehicle and some cricketers too, pay their respects to the ball before starting to bowl. First and foremost, offer respects and express gratitude to karma before undertaking it. Make it a practice every day. It will then give good results. Understand your duty and perform it to the best of your abilities. Then, you will earn the deservedness to experience happiness.
- Divine Discourse, Apr 15, 2003
人人都企盼快乐,快乐在哪儿?不努力工作,你得不到快乐。古人在做某件事之前,会先向那项行动致敬,他们会唱诵:“thasmai namah karmane(向行动致敬)”。在印度,一些人至今仍然奉行这个神圣传统,舞嚷套上踝饰之前,会先向踝饰致敬,连没读过书的司机都懂得在开车前先礼敬方向盘,一些板球球员也会在开始打球前先向球致敬。首先,在行动前,先礼敬该项行动并对该项行动感恩。让此成為习惯,它会產生好的节果。要明白你的职责,并尽全力而為之,如此你就够格去体验快乐。
God loves everybody. Love is God’s true form. All of you are sparks of the Divine.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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