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2015/06 第十位神化身(5)
摘自:斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇(Kalki Avatar,即白马神化身或第十位神化身)的一个简明传记
编者:Col.S.K.Bose (Retd)
消息传到伊斯瓦罗姆玛(Easwaramma)的耳朵里。她甚感困扰而去找斯瓦米问个明白,并告知自己的想法,同时责怪斯瓦米老是静不下来。斯瓦米再向她保证一切安然无事,不要道听途说。一旦建筑物耸立,再也没有她所畏惧的丛林或蛇蝎的出没其间了。每天将会有成千上万的人潮涌入而此地将演变成一个舍尔地(Shirdi),一个帝如巴蒂(Tirupati),一个卡西(Kashi)了。她还是不能完全平息下来,并要求舍沙玛拉祖(Sheshama Raju)写信给斯瓦米。他照做了,斯瓦米的回信是一个值得纪念的文件,在信内,祂提供对未来发展状况的一瞥。

那是1948年的事。新神殿的蓝图正在准备中。同时,斯瓦米继续祂的出游。祂的名声传遍泰米尔纳德(Tamil Nadu),安德拉(Andhra)和卡纳塔克(Karnataka)诸邦的许多地区。
最近刚从迈索尔(Mysore)邦森林首席主管职位退下来的克沙夫韦德尔(Keshav Vittal),得知斯瓦米在班加罗尔(Bangalore)而这地方正是他退休之后定居之地。他获得斯瓦米的第一个‘达瞻’(darshan)于萨卡玛(Sakamma)的住所。萨卡玛是一个虔诚的信徒。只要斯瓦米到班加罗尔来,他必是常客之一。斯瓦米邀请克沙夫韦德尔(斯瓦米称他为韦德尔劳勿)到布达峇地。他偕妻子,小女儿,贾耶勒斯米(Jayalakshmi),及其他两个女人,一个较长,一个年龄与其小女儿相仿佛,在预定的时候抵达那儿。晚上,女性们就睡在旧神殿的大厅上。两个年长的妇女已入睡而两个年轻的女孩则滔滔不绝的大谈有关斯瓦米的事迹。大厅显得有点闷热,半夜时分,这两个少女于是决定出来透透气。这时她们看到整个村子沐浴于炽热的亮光之中,她们顿时目瞪口呆。她们也惊讶地看到布达峇地周围的山丘散发出炽热的亮光,有如在火焰中一般。灿烂的亮光令人目眩。早上,斯瓦米证实与确认她们所见到的一切。祂更进一步地解释,那亮光总是在那儿,不论人们能否看到。这光被称为‘Dikbandhan’,那阻止一切邪恶和负面思潮进入的光,并防止它们进入布达峇地,这个神圣的地方。贾耶勒斯米后来成为阿南达布女子大专院校的监督,而曾经有一段时间受任为校长。
The Tenth Avatar
(A Concise Biography of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Kalki Avatar)
By: Col S.K Bose (Retd)
… Continue from Part 4
Site for the New Mandir
It was now Jan 1947. The whole country was agog and excited about the Impending independence. It was becoming clear that the Old Mandir would not suffice for the expected influx following independence. One evening Swami took Lakshmaiah for a walk and showed him a place where a mansion would come up. The whole place would be transformed and lakhs of people from all over India indeed, the whole world, would come for Swami’s darshan. He further told Lakshmaiah that he would have to believe it when he would stand where he was now and strain to catch a glimpse of Swami standing on the balcony of that mansion. The next day Swami took the other devotees too, and showed them the site. It was some distance away from the Old Mandir.
Easwaramma is Disturbed
The news reached Easwaramma, who was most perturbed and went to Swami to make her feelings known and chided Him for always being on the move. Swami reassured her and told her not to bother about the idle chatter of the people. Once ready, there will be no jungles or snakes or scorpions there as she apprehended. There would be thousands of people pouring in every day and that place will become a Shirdi, a Tirupati, a Kashi. She was not fully pacified and asked Sheshama Raju to write to Swami, which he did. Swami’s reply is a memorable document, in which Swami gives a glimpse of the shape of things to come.
A British Officer Shoots a Tigress
Independence arrived with much fanfare and joyous celebrations. A couple of months later another memorable event occurred. Swami was sitting on a chair in the hall of the Old Mandir surrounded by devotees sitting on various pieces of luggage and discussing spiritual matters. Suddenly He got up and went inside His room. A short while later a British Officer and his driver entered. The officer promptly sat in Swami’s vacant chair. The driver narrated the events, which resulted in their appearance in the Old Mandir.

The Officer had gone on a hunt and had shot a tiger, which was loaded on the rear seat of the jeep. When they were returning towards Karnatanagepalli, the jeep stalled when they were crossing the dry Chitravathi river bed. When their efforts to start the vehicle proved futile, the driver went to the village and procured three pairs of oxen, which were then tied to the jeep, but their combined efforts failed to move the jeep even one inch. The driver then recalled that there was a wonder boy in the village, who had miraculous powers and so they had come for his help. Swami was almost 21 years old, but looked like a teenager. Swami took his time to come out. He then chastised the British Officer for having killed a tigress with 3 young cubs, who were hungry and frightened. He should not have killed an animal, who had done him no harm. Swami had deliberately stalled his jeep to bring home to him this lesson. Swami then created vibhuti by the wave of His hand and told the officer to sprinkle it on the jeep, which would then start. He should go back, pick up the cubs and hand them over to a zoo, where they would be looked after and henceforth shoot wild animals only with a camera and not with a gun. The British Officer did as instructed by Swami and after getting the skin cleaned, returned and presented it to Swami and gave up hunting.

Travels Continue

It was now 1948. Plans were being drawn up for the New Mandir. In the meantime Swami continued with His travels. His name had spread to many parts of Tamil Nadu, Andhra and Karnataka.
Keshav Vittal, who had recently retired as Chief Forest Officer of Mysore State, was told about Swami in Bangalore, where he had settled post retirement. He had his first darshan of Swami in the house of Sakamma, who was an ardent devotee. He became a regular visitor whenever Swami came to Bangalore. Swami asked Keshav Vittal (Swami called him Vittal Rao) to come to Puttaparthi. He duly arrived there with his wife and youngest daughter Jayalakshmi and two other ladies, one elderly and the other the same age as his daughter. At night the women were sleeping in the hall of the Old Mandir. The two elderly women fell asleep, but the two young women kept awake talking about Swami. It was stuffy in the hall and around midnight they decided to come out and were struck with wonder to see the whole village bathed in bright glow. They were amazed to see the hills around Puttaparthi glowing as if on fire. The brilliance of the light was blinding. In the morning Swami confirmed their vision. He further explained that the brilliant light was always there whether people were able to see it or not. It was known as “Dikbandhan”, the sacred light that kept out all evil and negative currents and prevented them from entering the hallowed place that is Puttaparthi. Jayalakshmi later became the warden of the Girls College at Anantapur and for some time, its principal.
To be continued ….
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