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2011/12 真理:比原子更为基本
1. 不变的绝对





2. 我们能了解真理(真相)吗?







翌日,朝廷大臣发现盗窃之事,于是国王召集众人调查此事。国王指控该大臣涉及盗窃那唯一的钻石 -- 因为国王就是那个诚实窃贼的同伴。窃贼被任命为新的大臣。他的坚持真理和公正,名闻遐迩,举国皆知。











《沙迪亚赛说 》第6章128面

最高的理解是明智的爱。最伟大的爱是为真理而发的。真理在众生之间彰显为明智之爱的共同结合力。充满爱的真理是万物的能量 -- 明智的爱,最基本的实质,比原子更为基本。认识真理就是认识神,爱的泉源。




  1. 能否只认识相对真理,抑或也能理解绝对真理?
  2. 真理与其他美德是分开的吗?
  3. 说真话有伤害到他人的时候吗?
  4. 所有真理是不变的吗?
  5. 在缺乏美德的情况下,真理能否救助我们?
  6. 如何辨识什么是真的?
  7. 如何在日常生活中实践真理?
  8. 如何认识自己的真相?
  9. 爱与真理之间有什么关系?
  10. 真理之泉源是什么?
  11. 什么是最基本的真理 -- 真理中的真理?
Truth: More Fundamental than the Atom
1. The Unchanging Absolute
Ultimate truth is unchanging, pure, and eternal. It is the anchor that saves the ship tossed by high seas. It is the pole star that guides our journey in darkest night. Always faithful; truth sustains and guides us at all times.

Truth is never far, for it is the nature of the atma. It resides within, awaiting our call. When we recognize our divine truth, the atma, the unity and grandeur of life begin to flower before our eyes. Truth manifests in action as dharma, spiritual obligation. It expresses itself in being as love and purity of heart. Eternal truth knows no distinctions of culture or time. It is ever-unchanging, unmoved, unaffected.

Truth is something that is not modified by time or space or guna (attribute). It must be the same forever, unaffected and unchanged; then alone is it truth. It should not be proved false by some subsequent event or knowledge.

Sathya Sai Speaks 3, p.116
The material world is ever-changing. The phenomenal plane is characterized by maya, illusion. Illusion causes the unity of God to appear diverse and mutable. It causes Oneness to appear as many. Unchanging truth is experienced only in the purified consciousness. It is not characteristic of appearance in this world.

Nothing is absolutely true, really real. The waking experience is as unreal as the dream experience. When you are in deep sleep, there is no world at all. When you attain the superconscious fourth stage, the “I” alone remains, the universal “I” which was mistaken even in the sleeping stage as limited and particular.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.97
2. Can We Know Truth?
We believe we can know truth because the saints and sages have experienced and described it. We search for it with the spotlight of faith. Sathya Sai Baba tells us that the search for truth is the purpose of human life. With the tools of dedication, devotion, and love, we follow its footprints left in the soft earth of our experience.

Yes, truth can be found. Its signs are everywhere: in our eyes, in our ears, in our hearts. When we drink from the wellspring of the heart, we taste its nectar straight from the source. Through spiritual search, God’s grace is procured and the goal achieved.

The chief duty of man is investigation into truth. Truth can be won only through dedication and devotion, and they are dependent on the grace of God, which is showered on hearts saturated with love.

Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.1
Spiritual truth is the bedrock on which life’s foundation rests. Our capacity to experience and practice some effective degree of truth provides us with our best guide through life. We alone among all God’s creatures can discern our truth and the truth of creation.

Truth is more fundamental than the atom. Every atom and every star manifests the truth to those who have the eye of wisdom…What is the special feature of man? If he too lives and dies as any animal, how can his supremacy be justified? His supremacy lies in his capacity to become aware of his truth.

Sathya Sai Speaks 10, pp.126-127
3. How Do We Practice Truth?
Divine truth is like a flame. When it contacts the dry tinder of a person’s life, it spreads and grows strong. When it touches the green wood of doubt and desire, it only hisses and smokes. To experience universal truth, we must start by lighting the small flame of relative truth. If we begin by practicing truthfulness of speech, we initiate the transformation. A story illustrates the transforming power of truthfulness.

A thief was convinced by a holy man to adhere to truth. A short time later, during a burglary of the king’s palace, the thief was confronted by another man. He invited his new companion to share in the spoils of the royal treasury. After emptying the vaults, they parted company, leaving behind a sole diamond for the bereaved king. The thief’s companion asked him where he lived, to which the thief had to reply truthfully.

The following day, the break-in was discovered by the royal minister, and the king convened an inquiry. The king accused the royal minister of the theft of the single diamond – for the king had been the companion of the truthful thief. The thief was appointed as the new minister and his adherence to truth and justice became noted in the land.

If we adhere to truth, we will be saved. Truth protects and promotes the welfare of its adherents. If we hold fast to truth we serve our own best interests.

Have faith that truth will save you in the long run. Stick to it regardless of what might befall.

Sathya Sai Speaks 1, p.48
If we remain open to truth, our success is assured. The difficulty of the journey for us is to constantly seek a higher truth, not being satisfied until reality is perceived. As we climb the mountain of truth, we must continue to look for the higher summits of the range. Our natural tendency is to be satisfied with the limited truth we have found, so that we can relax our inquiry. However, we must be willing to continue our search until realization is attained. When self-understanding is gained, there is no more doubt.

Man has doubt only when he does not know the truth. Once you experience the truth, doubt will vanish. Truth is One, and for all time truth is truth. Whatever changes, know that as untruth.

Conversations, p.2
Truth in our lives must be a twofold path: it must be sought within and also experienced through selfless practice in the world. Truth should be the constant motivator of our actions. Through correct action, we remove karmic obstacles and gain the Lord’s grace. We must also pursue inner truth in meditation. A broad and unfettered mind is required for self-realization. The mind must be open and without preconceptions; then alone will it be fit for realization.

To discover this truth, the classic texts have laid down two codes of discipline, one external and the other internal – the outer and the inner. The outer is nishkama-karma (activity that is engaged in as dedication and worship; activity that is gladly carried out from a sense of duty regardless of the benefit that may accrue, with no attachment to the fruits thereof). The inner is dhyana (meditation on the splendor of which one is but a spark). Karma or activity has to be regulated by dharma (righteousness), then it will lead one to Brahman (the basic truth of the universe, including Oneself).

Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.189
We must adhere to truth, but we must be careful how we express it. We should not intentionally hurt another person. A truth spoken at the wrong time and place may do as much damage as an untruth. We must remember that God dwells in all people and that loving understanding is an essential part of truth.

Speak the truth, but speak pleasantly. Simply because a statement will be welcome to the hearer, don’t speak it out to win his approval; if speaking truth will cause grief or pain, keep silent. That is the vow of truth in ordinary daily life. Don’t have hypocrisy or crookedness in your speech. Both unpleasant truth and pleasant untruth have to be avoided.

Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.128
4. Love, the Highest Truth
The wave cannot be separated from the ocean. The sun cannot be removed from its heat and light. Neither can love be separated from truth. They are eternal companions. They do not travel without each other. When one is invited without the other, neither will arrive. Truth without love is a scorching light. Love without truth is a dangerous dream.

The highest understanding is wise love. The greatest love must be for truth. Truth manifests as a common bond of wise love between all creatures. The energy of creation is loving truth – wise love, the most basic substance, more basic than the atom. To know truth is to know God, the source of love.

The experience of truth alone can foster love, for truth is so all-embracing and integrating that it sees no distinction. Truth is the current and love is the bulb it has to illumine. Through truth, you can experience love; through love, you can visualize truth.

Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.190
It is our nature to seek love and truth, for they are springs of our atmic origin. They are the primary sources from which we draw spiritual sustenance. We search for them within and without because we feel our loss without them. We have come from God and ever after seek to return. In the ever-changing world, we catch glimpses and clues to guide us homeward. Piecing together the puzzle, we find that we are ourselves one with God, all love and all truth.

There is in everyone a spark of truth; no one can live without that spark. There is in everyone a flame of love; life becomes a dark void without it. That spark, that flame is God, for he is the source of all truth and all love. Man seeks truth. He seeks to know the reality because his very nature is derived from God, who is truth. He seeks love, to give it and share it, for his nature is of God and God is love.

Sathya Sai Speaks 1, pp.78-79
Questions for Study Circle:
  1. Can we only know relative truth, or can we also know absolute truth?
  2. Is truth separable from other virtues?
  3. Is there a time to speak truth that hurts someone?
  4. Is all truth unchanging?
  5. Can truth save us in the absence of other virtues?
  6. How can we know what is true?
  7. How can we practice truth in daily living?
  8. How can we know our own truth?
  9. What is the relationship between love and truth?
  10. What is the source of truth?
  11. What is the most essential truth – the truth of truths?
References for Further Study:
  1. Sanathana Sarathi, Sept. 1979, pp.204-205.
  2. Sandeha Nivarini, p.53.
  3. Sathya Sai Speaks, p.97 (The king who did not know if dreaming or waking was real).
  4. Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.189 (Use duty and meditation to discover truth).
  5. Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.128 (Sai: truth is his name, his message, and his nature).
  6. Sathya Sai Speaks 9, pp.18-20 (The king who would not let truth leave his kingdom).
  7. Sathya Sai Speaks 10, pp.148-149 (Arjuna agrees with Krishna’s description of the bird).
  8. Sathya Sai Speaks 10, p.222 (Even if you cannot oblige, speak obligingly).
  9. Sathya Sai Speaks 11, p.203.
  10. Summer Showers 1972, pp.55-56 (The permanent and eternal truth should be one’s goal).
  11. Summer Showers 1972, pp.75-76 (The world is neither true nor untrue).
  12. Summer Showers 1974, p.60 (Among all the qualities, truth is the greatest).
  13. Summer Showers 1974, p.71 (Truth has its basis in God).
  14. Summer Showers 1977, pp.206-207.
  15. Summer Showers 1978, p.134.
  16. Summer Showers 1978, pp.184-185 (The king who would not let truth leave his kingdom).
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