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2011/04 修行:达到目的的方法?


  1. 不伤害他人(非暴力Ahimsa)。
  2. 说真话和实行你所教的(真Sathya)。
  3. 研读经典和圣者的教诲。
  4. 服务他人,不求回报。
  5. 体现对神的虔诚(奉献)。
  6. 实行舍离,放弃物欲。
  7. 履行对你自己,对家庭,对社会,及对国家的义务。
  8. 生活于道德规范之内。
  9. 静虑于万物一体与神的全在。
















5. 维持纪律(修养)






6. 一个信徒的义务




7. 制作一个路线图

然而,有人问这样的问题,“那么,为什么我们看不到神呢?”是的,他是牛奶里的奶油,完完整整的,在每一滴之中。若要看到奶油,一些程序必须加以进行 – 煮沸,使凝结,搅拌等等。那么同样,借某些灵修,如持名等,你就可以看到寓于内心的他;内在的神就可以被体验为真的了。



  1. 纪律或修行是什么?
  2. 多少纪律或修行才足够?
  3. 有纪律的生活是否比无纪律的生活更难过?
  4. 纪律(修养)能嫌太多吗?
  5. 哪一种纪律(修养)最好?
  6. 谁有权去训练或调教他人?
  7. 我们如何修炼自己?
  8. 我们怎么知道我们有足够的修养?
  9. 修养或纪律会限制自由吗?
  10. 自律(自我修持)会有不需要的一天吗?
  11. 什么样的灵性修行是我们应该执行的?
  12. 自律(自我修持)会带来什么立竿见影的灵性回报?
Discipline : Means to an End
1. What is Discipline?
The root of the word discipline comes from the Latin word for instruction. Spiritual disciplines are means of self-instruction that we engage in for the growth of our higher awareness. The successful practice of self-transformation requires a high degree of inner discipline. We must learn the lessons and practice the rules of the spiritual path to achieve success.

Discipline is inherent in both nature and humanity. The planets conform to their orbits, and each creature acts according to its character. Physical laws of discipline govern such things as the crystalline structure of rocks. Everything from the largest to the smallest in creation adheres to its own law. It is only in the working of the laws of nature that each being finds its proper place in the cosmos. For humanity, the highest disciplines are the transpersonal. Such disciplines enable us to realize our identity with God.

What are the necessary disciplines for us to practice? We must obey the rule of law in society and the rule of the heart in our personal conduct. Through education and experience, we learn the laws of the land. Through self-inquiry, we understand the rule of spirit. Unthinking habit is not discipline. Discipline is a reasoned course of practice for the production of specific results. Sathya Sai Baba recommends certain disciplines for our spiritual unfoldment. These disciplines include:
  1. Do not harm others (ahimsa).
  2. Speak the truth and practice what you teach (Sathya).
  3. Study the teachings of the scriptures and the saints.
  4. Serve others without seeking reward.
  5. Practice devotion to God.
  6. Practice detachment from objects of desire.
  7. Do your duty to yourself, family, community, and nation.
  8. Live within the bounds of morality.
  9. Meditate on the unity of creation and the omnipresence of God.
These are some of the practices by which we shed our ignorance and enter the light of self-knowledge.
2. Benefits of Right Action
We have great freedom to determine our own path of action. We carry within ourselves the seeds of either self-destruction or self-realization. We can ignore the call of our divine nature and remain mired in the material world, or we can listen to the call and realize the highest attainments. If we learn from the world around us and chart a disciplined course of action, we can earn our true freedom. When we rush to satisfy material desires, we suffer the consequences.

The lesson is learned by man when he studies nature, analyzing it and trying to understand it…Break the laws of nature and she boxes you in the ear; obey her commands and listen to her warnings and she will pass on to you your heritage of immortality.

Sathya Sai Speaks 2, p.152
When we aspire to reach a great height, we must first build a strong foundation. A ground work must be prepared before the structure rises. Proper preparations must be made to insure success. This is true in all fields: in the trades, in business, in the arts. It is of paramount importance in the spiritual field.

Discipline is essential for the success of every endeavor of man, whatever the field, whether it be economic, social, educational, or merely material and worldly. It is even more essential for success in spiritual effort.

Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.328
External disciplines, such as the law of the land or the physical laws of cause and effect, are fairly easy to understand. They usually result in quick, adverse consequences for those who overstep their bounds. Self-discipline is more difficult to comprehend: the relationship between inner causes and effects is less apparent. However, the disciplines which we impose on ourselves are just as important to our welfare. The consequences of right discipline are just as certain as the results of physical laws. A spiritual program must be carefully considered and then skillfully followed if we are to reach self-fulfillment.

The real you is the atma. This can be learned only by constant meditation, by moving in good company, by listening to the talks of realized men, by following some prescribed course of discipline. That is why I lay so much emphasis on discipline.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.159
3. Our True Freedom
Discipline is usually considered to be restricting. Actually, quite the opposite is true. In material life, as in spiritual life, we gain our freedom only through discipline. Hard work endows us with material rewards such as a home or automobile. In spiritual life, we win freedoms of greater worth. We win the freedom of a joyful and peaceful life. Above all, we win God’s grace, which alleviates our suffering and grants us the opportunity to continue to advance on our Godward way.

In spiritual matters, the more we subject ourselves to discipline, the more joy and peace we are able to enjoy.

Sathya Sai Speaks 4, p.306
Although disciplines seem restrictive at first, with time we recognize them as the source of our joy. Self-discipline gives birth to confidence and satisfaction. An individual without self-discipline finds no lasting happiness. As a world with no laws would disintegrate into chaos, an individual without self-discipline becomes mired in confusion and despair. Understanding and adhering to the rules of the game grant us joy.

In fact, it is the rules and the restrictions that give charm to the game of life. In the game of football, if any player can do anything with the ball and there is neither foul nor out, neither offside nor goal, neither throw nor penalty, then it will be a meaningless game incapable of giving ananda (joy).

Sathya Sai Speaks 2, p.219
4. Key to a Productive Life
Seven material freedoms yield little satisfaction if we are held captive by the demons of fear, anger, and worry. Without the benefit of spiritual discipline, material discipline is shallow consolation. The quest for true freedom is won by disciplined study and action. When we digest the messages of the saints and sages who have already trodden the path, we can assimilate their wisdom and experience.

The sages have discovered the disciplines that will keep you unaffected by defeat or victory, loss or gain. Learn them, practice them. Establish yourself in unruffled peace.

Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.226
Other sources of wisdom, such as the holy texts of the world’s major living religions, may also provide the traditional knowledge necessary to adopt a course of spiritual discipline.

So man has to be guided by the wisdom of the past, the bounds prescribed by his well-wishers, the sages, the sastras (holy texts) or moral codes laid down to map the conscience in him.

Sathya Sai Speaks 6, p.109

As seekers of wisdom, we hold the keys of knowledge in our hearts. The promptings of the conscience show us the disciplines to follow. But we must act on our knowledge for it to yield results. Although we may possess ample devotion and wisdom, if we are not employed in a disciplined course of action, there will be no benefit.

You may have devotion, you may discharge the duty entrusted to you, but unless you are saturated in discipline, the other two are useless.

Sathya Sai Speaks 9, p.14
5. Maintain Discipline
Self-discipline can be difficult to maintain. Particularly at the start of the spiritual path, the obstacles seem formidable. The need for many changes in our lifestyles and attitudes becomes quickly apparent. It is easy for the beginner to become discouraged. There is also a danger of the student becoming compulsive about discipline and laying too much emphasis on the self. It is best for us to progress slowly and carefully at the outset. Discipline must be cultivated early in life and practiced consistently. Then when hardships arise, they can be overcome with the help of our inner strength.

Discipline comes to the rescue during crisis when the world flows toward you as a dark flood of hate or derision, or when those in whom you have put your trust shun contact and shy away. Without discipline, the mind of man is turned into a wild elephant in a rut. You have to catch it young and train it so that its strength and skill can be useful to man and harmless to life around.

Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.418
With proper preparation, we learn to overcome obstacles. As self-discipline increases, the task becomes easier. However, repeated attempts must still be made to achieve success. Very rarely do we make progress without repeated attempts to master a difficulty. A Systematic and controlled disciplinary plan is the foremost weapon in the battle.

It is chiefly a matter of careful, well-timed, regulated discipline. It cannot be obtained by spurts and skips, but must be climbed step by step, each step being used as a foothold for the next…You have to learn each lesson by systematic study. Application and effort alone will give success.

Sathya Sai Speaks 1, p.166
Fortitude and persistence assure realization of the goal. Each obstacle is a test. We may only pass on to the next higher level when we have mastered the first. We should look forward to tests as chances to prove our progress in spiritual discipline. Each obstacle can be mastered one at a time. The wise person will not put off the opportunity to surmount a barrier. Each day lost in the prime of life yields one less day at the end of life to achieve self-realization. Therefore, discipline must not be relinquished before realization is attained.

You should never give up the habit of discipline. When you reach the state of perfection only, you do not have to think of regulations or discipline.

Summer Showers 1972, p.282
6. Duties of a Devotee
Discipline is particularly important for those who consider themselves to be devotees of Sathya Sai Baba. Devotees of Sai Baba must exemplify what they have learned. As Sai Baba’s life is his message, so the devotee also attempts to act as an example. It is by the example of the devotees that the master is known.

People, those outwardly “distant” from Swami, he tells, but not so severely as those “near”. People judge Swami by his “near” devotees and so these individuals must follow very strict standards of behavior.

Conversations, p.111
Aspirants who make a greater commitment are required to assume more discipline. The greater the growth we wish to realize, the more self-discipline we must exercise to fulfill our responsibility. But it should not be thought a burden. It is an opportunity for our own benefit.

Generally, I speak sweet, but on this matter of discipline, I will not grant any concessions.… I will insist on strict obedience. I shall not reduce the rigor to suit your level, for that will only ruin you. I pay attention to your ultimate good.

Sathya Sai Speaks 2, p.186
7. Chart a Course
If we heed the call of regular practice and persist in our quest, then we will surely attain the goal. Perseverance and intensity pay the dividend of self-realization. God is in all, but to find him we must follow a course of spiritual discipline. Divinity appears to those who complete the necessary practices.

But the question is asked, “Then why is he (God) not seen?” Well, he is as butter is in milk, in every drop, through and through. If butter is to be seen, then certain processes have to be done – boiling, curdling, churning, etc. So, too, by certain spiritual disciplines like repeating the name on the tongue, he who dwells in the heart can be visualized; the immanent God can be experienced as real.

Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.362
When victory is achieved, the rules and regulations may be transcended. When that blissful day arrives, the realized individual overcomes the dogmas and tools of path. That joyful state confers the ultimate freedom of God-realization in which all is recognized as divine.

It is good to be born in a church, but it is not good to die in it. Grow and rescue yourselves from the limits and regulations, the doctrines that fence your freedom of thought, the ceremonial rites that restrict and redirect. Reach the point where churches do not matter, where all roads end, from where all roads run.

Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.82-83
Questions for Study Circle
  1. What is discipline?
  2. How much discipline is enough?
  3. Is it more difficult to live with discipline or without it?
  4. Can there be too much discipline?
  5. What is the best kind of discipline?
  6. Who has the right to discipline another?
  7. How do we discipline ourselves?
  8. How do we know if we have enough discipline?
  9. Does discipline restrict freedom?
  10. Is there a time when self-discipline becomes unnecessary?
  11. What spiritual disciplines should we undertake?
  12. What are the immediate spiritual rewards of self-discipline?
References for Further Study
  1. Dhyana Vahini, p.2.
  2. Sathya Sai Speaks 5, p.7 (Discipline helps us discover the basis of creation).
  3. Sathya Sai Speaks 5, p.185 (Discipline must be started early).
  4. Sathya Sai Speaks 7, p.328.
  5. Sathya Sai Speaks 8, pp.24, 66-67.
  6. Summer Showers 1978, p.201 (Discipline should be constant).
  7. Summer Roses on the Blue Mountains, p.46.
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